Friday, April 1, 2011

The Issue is Control

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." - Revelations 13:16,17
This is a famous passage from the Book of Revelations used in movies, books, and the Bible. Most concentrate on the mark, the name, or 666. However, I suggest that the stage for this final act of rebellion against God is set before this "man of sin" is ever revealed and the driving issue is control. We have been hearing about "the New World Order" from several Presidents now and they have been putting laws and regulations into place, mostly behind the scenes and carefully shielded or downplayed by a false news media. Now, they evidently feel they are so successful that the need for secrecy is no longer needed. U.S. Representative Maxine Waters publicly threatens big oil executives that they will soon be out of a job after the government takes them over.

For years the anti-gun loby has been trying to do away with, or de-nude the 2nd Amendment, but they have always been unsuccessful. Now the Obama administration plans to go around the Congress by using Presidential Orders. In a bureaucratic block the Obama Administration secretly banned the re-importation of American made M-1 Garand and Carbine rifles being stored in South Korea. These rifles were used by the US military during the Korean War and left there after the war was over. With one stroke of his pen, Barack Obama bypassed the Constitution and single-handedly banned nearly a million American made rifles by executive fiat. They have also banned the resale of used military shell casings to private American companies, favoring countries like China. His administration is also signing on to UN resolutions that control the private ownership of guns, without Congressional approval.

The U.S. Congress recently passed a health care bill that will remove another key to individual freedom, the right to choose our health care. Hidden provisions are being revealed almost daily and they all give evidence of one thing - government control over individual rights.

seedsNow the 'lame-duck Senate is trying to pass Senate Bill S 510 the Food Safety Modernization Act . Not only does this bill take away your "right to grow, trade and transport any food" it gives big government the right to regulate what you grow and what seeds you save.

If you remove the people's right to grow their own food, get their own health care, and arm themselves you have taken giant steps toward controlling the people! As President Ronald Reagan said, "America is the last hope of freedom in the world" but forces are actively working to reduce America to a 3rd-rate nation. President Obama never loses an oportunity to downgrade America before the world and so-called American liberals never lose a media chance to 'trash' America. Our Christian foundations, which are so evident to any honest person, are daily denagrated and even so-called Christians are openly preferring Muslims to Christians. Some are even equating Jehovah with Allah. We need to ask our selves a question before we timidly submit to these idiots - "Where in history or modern times do you find a Muslim country that practices freedom for all within its borders?"

Remember one basic teaching of Christianity is , "For freedom Christ has made us free: stand fast therefore and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." - Galatians 5:1. You only find the teaching of 'freedom' in Christianity and our liberty and prosperity does not come from government - it comes from God!

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