Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Over 50 years ago, while a Junior in college, at a little country church, I went forward and asked a Lutheran Pastor form Norway to introduce me to Jesus. He led me to this verse -
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with with him, and he with Me" - Revelation 3:20

The pastor asked me to read it out loud and I did. Nothing happened so, he said read it again. After reading it three times, I suddenly realized what Jesus was saying - if I would open my heart's door, HE WOULD COME IN! I did ... and He did. It was glorious and I couldn't stop laughing for about half an hour. We 'dined' together that night, my Lord and I, and we haven't stopped for 50 years or more. Oh, I've missed supper from time to time but, the table is always set, waiting for me.

I have come to realize that this verse isn't just a salvation verse, but a life long call to keep the door of my heart open for the Master. He is so polite, He will always knock but, He will not force His way in, though He could. The Laodicean church, who received this message, was so blessed materially and they didn't think they had any need. They were so busy making money and enjoying it that they hardly had time have a relationship with Jesus. The Laodiceans thought they were rich, but, Jesus saw them as "wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked". We here in America are especially susceptible to this temptation because we are so rich materially. Satan uses it to snare us and keep us from fully depending on our only true source of strength - Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. They fell into the trap of the "Sunday Christian Syndrome", where one day, and that for only a few hours, seems enough out of our busy schedule for the Lord. It isn't! The first Christians met daily, from house to house but, now we find it a chore, an imposition, to meet more than a few hours on Sunday.

Nearly 2000 years have passed since Jesus dictated this letter to the Laodicean church and there isn't much time left. In the days ahead we will all be sorely tested and our only strength will be a strong relationship with Jesus in which He washes our feet free from the 'dirt' of this world thus refreshing us for the testing ahead. I urge you to open the door to your heart and invite Jesus in to dine with you. You need to do it every day. But, be assured, He will come in.

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