Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Obeying God Rather Than Man

“We must obey the law of God rather than the unrighteous behests of party (political party), to chose out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness, and place such over them to be rulers, or God will assuredly avenge Himself for our violated allegiance to Him.” – Robert Lewis Dabney, 19th Century American Theologian

Dabney, while he had many talents and skills, was best known for his work as a theologian and a soldier. While he argued against the Civil War and was against slavery, he was a loyal Southern son and championed states rights. He excelled as a military tactician and was General Stonewall Jackson’s Chief of Staff throughout the Civil War. But, more importantly for us, he saw the great danger to our country from the philosophies of Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, John Dewey and Sigmund Freud. He predicted they would result in science divorced from God, Scripture from the University, patriarchy (men as the head of the family) from the family, and the common law (Biblically based law) from our judicial system. All these predictions have come to pass in our day and those who believe the Bible is the truth “make themselves a prey” as Isaiah prophesied (Isaiah 59:15).

While he wrote and warned about many topics, I want to emphasize in this article what he said concerning politics. The Bible warns us that Satan often comes disguised as an angel of light and the realm of politics is especially susceptible to this habit. Today, we are presented images of the one running for office. They must look good on television and they must say the things the most people want them to say because the image is what is important. It does not matter that they may not actually believe the things they say or what they have actually done – only the perception they create.

I have talked to many in my small Midwestern village that say they are going to vote Democrat because “the Democrats are for the people”, or because their family has always voted Democrat. It does not matter that Democrat policies are turning the country over to socialism, or that their policies are bankrupting America, or that their policies are costing Americans jobs. More often than not, their vote is based on ignorance of the issues, or on the greed for what the government will give them. Now the same could be said of Republicans who vote Republican for the same type of reasons, or any other party.

Dabney spoke into this situation when he said “We must obey the law of God rather than the unrighteous behests of party”. In other words, the true Christian does not vote for someone simply because they are Democrat, or Republican, or any other party. They vote for the candidate that follows God’s laws! If they do not, then they are idolaters, placing party before God and it is time we speak plainly – no idolater will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9).

I recently read a communiqué that the Catholic Church sent to its parishes on voting for someone who supports abortion. Paraphrasing, they said while the Catholic Church does not condone abortion, it is alright to vote for someone who does as long as you yourself do not believe in it. This policy is ungodly and shows that money and power are more important to them than God’s truth!

Evangelical Christians are no better. Recent polls show that approximately 60% of Evangelical Christians voted for President Obama in the last election even though his stand on abortion was well known and publicized. Holy Scripture calls taking the life of these innocent ones – murder! They should know that it takes more than church membership to enter the gates of heaven; it takes loyalty to God and His laws above loyalty to any political party or candidate!

If you want to be a Christian, you must obey God to the best of your ability. Jesus said, “If you love Me, obey My commands.” That extends to the world of politics and work as well. God is sovereign over all areas of our lives. When President Obama lectured Republicans that they must keep a civil tongue while debating Democrat policies, he was right. But the same applies to him, and when he recently stood shoulder to shoulder with Jimmy Hoffa as he called Republicans and Tea partiers SOB’s and threatened to “take them out” and then followed by praising Hoffa and saying nothing about the threats – he makes himself a liar! These are the things Christians must stand against and vote accordingly, if we want Godly morality to once again rule in our land.

This country must be based on Christian principles or it will not stand. It can only do this if Christians today confess, along with Peter and the other Apostles, “We must obey God rather than man!”

Every true shepherd will warn his sheep from the pulpit against putting political party loyalty above loyalty to God and His laws. A true shepherd will not place a tax-free status above speaking the truth. He will encourage his membership to prefer those for leaders who honor God and His word. And every true Christian will embrace the same political preferences. If not, they will answer to God for their actions.

Pastor Charles Cooley

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