Thursday, July 14, 2011


I just received this email from a friend and it needs to be sent around the country. It is time for those Americans who love their country to start praying for it! Because it is being stolen from us while we stand by and do nothing. While some valiant Americans in Arizona try to defend their state and America from this kind of attack - our government resists them, even taking them to court to stop them from enforcing enacted federal laws. President Obama even sided with the government of Mexico against Arizona, in court, when Arizona decided to enforce federally enacted laws against illegal immigrants. Senator John McCain and former governor Janet Napolitano do nothing for their state and even work against them. There was a time in America when such actions would have been the end of anyone's political career.

Here is another look at what is happening to this country - I guess I would have been hauled off to jail for trying to do something and shame on those people who stood around doing nothing - cops included!

 "We are not far from the end folks. We can't take much more political correctness. These pictures were taken at the AZ state capitol. This photo was taken at a rally at the state capitol yesterday.

The news will not show it and the Capitol Police and Homeland Security would not let Americans or any of the Veterans that were there do anything about it. My husband and his friends were threatened to be arrested and were told they would be booked under federal charges if they did anything.

I am sending this to you so that you in turn can start emailing it to everyone on your list. It is totally uncalled for and people need to see it. This is not about politics and rhetoric; it is about a direct threat to our country.

Those of you that don't live in Arizona will maybe get a chance to see the other side of what the news is telling you. If this offends you greatly, then I have truly accomplished what I set out to do. I understand that sometimes we don't see eye to eye on certain things, but that is the right our forefathers fought for.

I am an American. For those of you who choose to dismiss this: If you believe that this is okay I believe you are a traitor to this country and everything it stands for. I am not a racist and I am not a Nazi, this has nothing to do with race, it has to do with respect to the country that is continually taking you in and turning a blind eye to your agenda. Homeland Security was designed to identify and defend America from Terrorist acts yet yesterday it let illegal and legal citizens of this country desecrate the Flag. People were spitting on it, stomping on it and burning it with cigarettes. One soldier who had just returned from Iraq tried to grab the flag and was thrown to the ground by the Capitol Police and Homeland Security.

It amazes me how many people will stand against the American People while all the while prospering from our system and our government."

I just watched NBC News and President Obama honoring a war hero with the medal of honor. He lost his right hand and forearm in the action. Then to see these pictures of illegals and legals dishonoring the flag for which this man fought and many of his comrades gave their lives for makes me mad. The same government that honored this soldier also says these freeloaders have the right to light fires on the flag and spit on it. This needs to stop! Are there no patriots left in Washington DC to enact laws to stop this or impeach those Justices that say it is OK? Are my tax dollars going to support law enforcement to protect these people and not our flag?

 Granted, I'm just a retired teacher from another generation but I still remember when it was a proud thing to carry our flag and to honor it. I'm still proud to be an American and I don't like turning the other cheek when aliens repeatedly spit on me - and when they spit on my flag, they are spitting on me!

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