Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Light to See By

19 Year Old Christian Girl Forced to Convert to Islam with Knife at Her Throat

Imagine if this happened to your daughter. You say, “That could never happen here!” But, it could. Islamic terrorists are capturing children all over Nigeria and subjecting them to this choice – convert to Islam and be a slave or die! The same Islamic philosophy drives Muslims in the West as those in Africa. Already, in countries like Holland, France,  England, and even the United States wherever Muslims become a majority they are pressing for Sharia law where husbands can kill their wives for lack of submission.

In the United States Muslim Brotherhood, which has been indicted as a terrorist group, is being placed in key positions of authority in the Obama administration. In cities like Dearborn MI so-called ‘mercy killings’ are taking place. ‘Mercy killings’ seem to be legal, under Sharia law, for cases of suspected adultery on the wife’s side, leaving the faith, unruly children, and a whole host of other actions. Now we are seeing public schools around the nation teaching Islam to grade school children, even while they refuse to honor Christmas as a Christian holiday. Graduating students cannot mention Jesus in Salutatorian speeches but students can take Muslim names and pretend they are on jihad! All this and more is happening during the tenure of a president who is clearly sympathetic to Islam if not, as some claim, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Jesus taught a simple rule to judge situations like this – “by their fruits you shall know them.”

President Obama worked to oust Qaddafi from Libya and President Mubarak from Egypt while backing the Muslim Brotherhood thus loosing the US key allies in the region, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. He is backing Muslim Brotherhood forces in Syria against Assad. Now he has made a secret deal with Iran to allow them to become a nuclear power and has even made them the US’s main ally in the region, a position Israel once enjoyed. An Israeli headline says it all - Ex-Intel Chiefs: Obama Let Iran Go Nuclear. President Obama recently released an Iranian nuclear scientist from jail to honor the agreement he made with Iran but he would not bring up the release of the American preacher Saeed, who has been jailed in Iran for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After all, everyone knows preaching the Gospel is much more dangerous than building nuclear bombs!

The United States is the last place where Christianity can be freely practiced and it is being attacked here as well, even by those in high government positions. Our President has helped accelerate the process that began much earlier. As Allen West recently wrote in the article Obama's 'clandestine' plan to make bullets vanish by using the EPA to stop ammunition makers in the US from making bullets, Obama has successfully sidestepped the 2nd Amendment. After all, what good are guns if you don’t have bullets?

If you infiltrate the country's leadership, undermine its ability to resist, build up its enemies, and then weaken the faith it was built on, you can bring down the country, even though it was a giant.

Our intelligentsia's are outlawing Christian expression from the public schools while allowing Islam full access. Under the banner of Political Correctness common sense has been outlawed. At the same time many in the Christian Church are preaching a doctrine of surrender rather than stand up and fight – after all, they might get sued! It is not the doctrine that Jesus and the Apostles preached but then maybe that is why they were in trouble all the time. If the churches really preached against evil in all its forms, they would be in court so often they would overload it! Because preaching against evil is certainly politically in-correct! Nevertheless, let us remember what Paul told Timothy -

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy,  – 1 Timothy 4:1-4

But, if we stand by the Word of God, we will not only have light to see by in this present darkness, but we will overcome it. Don't depart from the faith!

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