“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” – Revelation 12:17
The Apostle John was shown a great sign in the heavens and the last part of it describes the object of the dragon’s rage as being the nation of Israel and Christians in general. The dragon is of course Satan and this verse reveals his motives to destroy Israel and to eliminate Christians. The question is why?
“Here am I and the children whom the LORD has given me! We are for signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, Who dwells in Mount Zion.” – Isaiah 8:18
This verse is quoted in Hebrews chapter 2 as being quoted by Jesus. We must remember that we Gentile Christians have been grafted into the Jewish root and are children of Abraham so both believing Israel and believing Gentiles are signs and wonders of the grace of God and evidence of the soon-coming kingdom of Jesus Christ. Satan hates God, hates Jesus and wants to stop the kingdom of God on earth at all costs. He can’t defeat Jesus therefore he goes after the Jews and true Christians.
I say true Christians because there are many who call themselves Christians that are not, just as there are many who call themselves Jews that are not. God said to the children of Israel, “Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiff-necked. – Deuteronomy 10:16”, in other words “obedience is greater than sacrifice”! Who you are is defined by what you do more than what you say.
I say all this to help us evaluate what is going on in our world. In 1973 when Israel was under attack by Syria and Egypt and desperately needed U.S. help, President Nixon’s chief advisor Henry Kissinger advised “Let Israel bleed a little!” Even though he called himself a Jew, it was the Gentile President that saved Israel by sending the largest military airlift of arms and equipment in history. Today, President Obama, who calls himself a Christian, regularly works against Israel by leaking their secrets and arming their enemies. At the same time, his administration gives millions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Arab extremists who are using the aid to kill Christians and destroy Christian Churches in Egypt and Syria. All of this is aiding Satan’s plan and not God’s. So who is the true Christian, obviously not President Obama. And what about all the so-called Christians who voted for him and intend to vote for him again?
Obama has hidden in ‘Obamacare’ the giving of every American a RFID chip implanted in their bodies and he has renewed George Bush’s push for a National ID card. He is constantly working to overthrow our national Constitution. As disturbing as this all is, the greatest problem is his and his liberal base’s attack on God and His plans. God’s plan for the family which is the foundation of our society, for moral law, for the return and restoration of Israel, and even for parental rights and obligation to raise their children are under constant attack. Public education is becoming a totalitarian tool of the state to take the right and obligation to raise their children away from parents. I recently read of a teacher who was reprimanded for having signs posted in his class room stating mottos such as In God We Trust, which is on all our money, and other Scripture etched into the marble of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, and even on the walls of Congress. If this were just an isolated incident it would not be so troubling, but it is not!
Satan’s attack on Israel and true followers of Jesus has begun in earnest and his followers are many and more than happy to help the devil out. The wicked system of Babylon, written about in Revelation 18, is alive and well but God is calling; "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.” – Revelation 18:4.
The United States is the last great restraint on Satan’s world domination plans and true Christians are what stand between him and his goal. We must stand up and be counted as those who stand for God and God’s plans in every arena of society.
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