Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When Truth Falls

Justice is turned back, And righteousness stands afar off; For truth is fallen in the street, And equity cannot enter. - Isaiah 59:14
I recently watched a montage of protesters against Governor Walker in Wisconsin; rudely disrupting a ceremony honoring Special Olympics participants, disrupting congressional sessions, yelling Nazi slogans and giving Nazi solutes, yelling profanity, handing out false doctor's sick slips to defraud the taxpayers, all the while demanding their rights at the expense of others rights. It matters little whether you voted for or against Governor Walker, are these the attitudes you want taught to your children?

Then I read about our nation's leader, President Obama, issuing a Presidential Order which essentially tells ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to NOT enforce the law concerning arrest and deporting illegal aliens and at the same time using DOJ (Department of Justice) to litigate in several states against legally enacted Voter ID laws. The obvious intent of these actions is to allow illegals to vote for him and other like-minded Democrats in the upcoming elections.

Add to this the so-called Fast and Furious program that allowed the illegal sale of weapons to criminal drug cartel people in Mexico; all designed to give the administration an excuse to curtail American gun ownership. Although the details are well documented, the President and his administration still refuse to cooperate with Congressional investigations committees.

In the midst of these events, and many more, I wonder where the so-called main-stream media is? Even more, I wonder where the Church is. If one looks at the sermons being wrote and delivered in the late 1700's and early 1800's you will find almost all of them had some political overtones to them. That is because churches in those days thought of themselves as the nation's conscience, and they were! Is the church today no longer the moral authority so that it can hold up a higher standard to aspire to? Or is it so filled with the same corruption as the world that it has lost its moral authority?

When righteousness becomes a "stand-off" concept, the inevitable casualty will be justice. When truth "falls in the street", equality will become a forgotten concept and our "rights" will no longer be inalienable (from God) but, will belong to those who yell the loudest, behave the rudest, or steal the most power for themselves.

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