Tuesday, October 4, 2011

“Turkey to hold military exercise on Syrian border. Assad threatens to destroy Tel Aviv if attacked

As Turkey carves out a section of northern Syria for the rebels fighting Assad, Syria’s Assad responds with threats to wipe out Tel Aviv, Israel. He knows no Muslim government would dare to attack him if he were fighting Israel. They would have to join in, or at least verbally support him even if they really want to get rid of him. Of course, Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, and the Palestinian Hamas would gladly support him and are spurring him on. Of course, Israel responded with the statement, “If one missile lands in Tel Aviv, Damascus will feel the response.”
Into this hotbed of intrigue flies Leon Panetta, U.S. Secretary of Defense and what are his profound words of wisdom? He scolds Israel for becoming too isolated! Maybe he thinks Israel is the one shooting thousands of missiles into Gaza, or that they are ones threatening to invade Lebanon and Syria, or that they are the ones that broke the military treaty they had with Turkey? Maybe Panetta can explain how you negotiate with people who refuse to acknowledge you exist? Or how you can get out of your bomb shelter long enough to sit at a peace table with someone who is daily shooting missiles at you? But, I forget – he and his boss were the ones telling us that the anti-Mubarak riots in Egypt were “just democracy at work”. Now that the radical Muslim Brotherhood has taken over in Egypt and that Christians are being killed, they are strangely silent. I am really glad he and his crowd were not in control during World War II, they would probably have blamed Churchill for being too isolated and for not negotiating with Hitler!

As the Palestinian statehood issue is being debated in the UN, only one more vote is needed in the Security Council to pass the motion for statehood. If that happens, the United States will be faced with the choice to veto the motion and face Muslim condemnation and wrath around the world or allow the motion to pass and be faced with the very real possibility of war in the Middle East. Either way, the seeds for World War III are being sown. How will a government that has no understanding of Biblical prophecy react?

I urge you to pray earnestly that our government makes the right choice, as we will all bear the consequences of it.

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