Friday, August 12, 2011

We Must Choose - Blessing or Curse

If you are Christian, you have to rise up and protest the treatment our President is giving our ally, Israel. He is demanding that Israel give up half of Jerusalem for the sake of peace with terrorists! He is demanding that Israel negotiate with Hamas who recently stated -

“Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the most exalted wish.”

Their answer to diplomatic initiatives is the following-

“ ... the so-called peaceful solutions to the Palestinian problem, contradict Hamas’ ideological position. Giving up any part whatsoever of Palestine is like giving up part of [the Muslim] faith …. There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except jihad. Regarding the international initiatives, suggestions and conferences, they are an empty waste of time and complete nonsense.”

The United States is giving $500 million a year to support the Palestinian Authority who has just recently joined with Hamas, a proven terrorist organization. And President Obama is further giving millions of our tax dollars to Hamas refugee’s right here in the U.S.! All of this in face of the clear Scriptural admonition about the land of Israel —

'The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me. – Leviticus 25:23

Israel doesn’t have the moral right to go back to pre-1967 borders (Samara and Judea) or give up half of Jerusalem! The land isn’t theirs to give—it belongs to God and the Jews are just tenants in it!

Because Israel depends on us to be a source of military hardware and parts, Obama is threatening Israel with a cut-off if they don’t go along with him. He also is threatening them to not veto the upcoming Palestinian petition for statehood in the UN. All of this from an administration who actively backed the takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood, who recently rebuffed a United States offer to negotiate with them, saying “If you want diplomatic relations with us, first stop your support of Israel!” We seem to be quick to back Libyan rebels with armament and weapons and  fighting their battles for them, even though they are past and current supporters of Al-Qaida! It makes me wonder if the information I received, from a source I cannot reveal, isn’t true after all –

Obama is reportedly to have told a high ranking Muslim government official, “Give me Osama and I’ll deliver Israel to you.”

Scripture is very clear – God will bless those who bless Abraham and his posterity but, He will curse those who curse them. If we love our country we had better pray that its leaders reverse their present course and we had better let the text of those prayers be heard by Washington as well as by God.

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